Monday, 10 October 2011

Development of My Magazine

College Magazine

This is the first draft of my magazine and what it will look like in the future, there is going to be changes made so that when the final product is shown it will look nice and presentable and people will want to read it. The title of the magazine  contents with the life of the student who are  in sixth form as they have been here in bishop douglass the most. the background highlights the graffiti and the crown at the top, my target audience is the students of bishop douglass and other teenagers who are the same age as me showing them what they need to know for the near future.

My Target Audience

My target audience are secondary and teenage students who are currently in sixth form or in college. my magazine is based on the students of sixth form and college and aslo the magazine is mostly about school and exams and little bit and bobs about the different things that go on in school. the age for the readers are 16-19 and also using the student for the front cover of the magazine highlights the student life in bishop douglass and them being superior to the lower year, also there are some tips to success and also other things to help them with there work and univeristy choosings.

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