Monday, 28 November 2011


The model for my photoshoot will be my friend Jerome Batsa and he will help in taking images for my front cover and other aspects of my magazine. The costume will be a range of clothes that will suit my interest for example a blue hoodie, black jumper and grey cardigan all of these colours costume can be used to help me with  my photoshoot.

  • Bishop Douglass School
  • Photograpy Room
  • Cannon Camera ( To take the images)
  • Lighting
  • White Backdrop
All of these points that II have mentioned will be used or  has been used in my photoshoot and it will help me in taking the  right images for example long shot, mid-shot, close up and high or low angle shot. These will help me with taking images in my photoshoot.
What I have learned from my prelimary task is that I was not able to use different shots to help me in that time, but the improvements and responses that I recieved helped me to improve my work and mak e it better. As I havesaid before there are good and bad things that went on with my prelimary task which will then help me with my coursework.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

New and improved front cover

This is my improved  front cover for my coursework and the title of the magazine is called grime = dime. the predominant colours are blue, white and silver.  the jewllery shows the dime when it come to grime which means that music equals money and this is shown on the front cover.

The colour of the text matches the hoodie, the colours of the chain and the t-shirt these colours as been expressed through the writing of the front cover. The diamond at the end symbolises the wealth and value, and the " money all the time" phrase also shows the success. But all in all I am well pleased with the work I have done.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Evaluating Images so far!

I would say that the quality of the images I have produced is good standards as in terms of the different angles and shots that I took. also the quality of the image so far is good because I used the surroundings to help me for example lighting and the background in which I took my photo's from. I believe that the level of colours used is appropraite because I wanted the colour of the writing and the different colours of the photo's to match so I believe that the level of colours used are very appropriate.

The images used would appeal to my intented auidence because the colours and the photo had to match or be similar in my eyes because as we know my magzine auidence is the youth of today or shall I say school kids, and also they look at the little features and see if it is good or not. Yes it is appealing in terms of visual style because for me it stands out because it has to look good for me to get the good grades and make it happen.

Evaluation photo's

My photo's I believe are very good in terms of shots and how I used the different shots to my advantage. There are good and bad these that are good with my pictures first of all the good thing about my pictures is that how I used the different shot like medium close up or long range close up, I took all these things into consideration and made different photo's that can be suitable for my magazine. I believe that I have achieved the objective of my flatplan because I put the effort into the work to make it good not just for me but my peers and other people as well. I am sure that my photo's are technically correct for example the different shots I used so that I can decide on what picture to use and which one will be more suitable for my magazine.

On the other hand the bad thing I would say and need to improve upon is the person I used for the photo's, don't get me wrong the person who I took the photo for was great. But the matter was that I took the picture in his school clothes and the magazine is suppose to be for a music magazine not for artist to wear school clothes, so this is the thing that I need to imporve on and take into consideration and not make that mistake again.

Semiotic Theory Lesson

Semiotics- Study of means and signs

  1. iconic signs-which actually looks like what they represent
  2. symbolic signs-which have a meaning that must be cultrally learned to what they represent
  3. indexical signs-which have a connection to what they represent and are suggestive rather than directly resembling what they represent
  • saussure (1954) and barthes (1972)
  • plysemic meaning-the way that the same sign can mean lots of different things to different people.

motivated signs

Signs can be more or less motivated. Loosing motivated it is open to different theories. The latter takes a lot of individual interpretation. people have different views on different people, a more motivational sign just has more limited range of possible interpretation. There was a example where the teacher showed a picture of a baby and then we used connotation and dennotation to work it out and there was lots of different views such as is it a boy or girl and we had to use hte clothing to determine if it was a boy or girl, or could it be a son, daughter, nephew or niec . Later on we saw another picture of the baby with the father and then we realised that is the fathers son.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Front cover coursework and improvements

This is my front cover for my coursework and the title of the magazine is called grime = dime. the predominant colours are gold, white black and grey. As you can see the colours match the person clothes and also the background as well, the jewllery shows the dime when it come to grime which means that music equals money and this is shown on the front cover.

The colour of the text match the scarf, the colours of the hat and the watch and the bracelet of the person and these colours as been expressed through the writing of the front cover. The diamond at the end symbolises the wealth, and the " money all the time" phrase also shows the success. But all in all I am well pleased with the work I have done and I hope other people will like it as well.

I will have to make a new cover. This is becuase my feedback was that there should not have been a student for front cover because it does not look like an artist but more of a schoolboy photo, also another critism was that I should not put a cd cover but just say it as in text for example the wretch 32 album should not be there. Also the barcode is too big and my feedback was that I should make it smaller and also make my title bigger so that people can see it, moreover I should make a new phrase so that it will sound better. So on the feed back I have recieved I will make a new and imporved front cover

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Market Research

What kind of questions do you as the target audience expect from a music magazine. In terms of what do guys expect from a music magazine is it:
  • fun or serious
  • colourful or dull
  • interviews or gossips
  • clubs and festivals
  • music
If this is what you expect this from a music magazine then you are correct. By you as the target audience you are the ones to say if you like this or not.

Monday, 7 November 2011

What do YOU want to do???

Personally my personal preference of the magazines that I have researched for example Mix Mag is very good. This is hwy because Mix Mag is a type of magazine that puts social and lifestyle together and also I liek the way that use the colours within the whole magazine as well. I like the fact that music and life is put onto one magazine and relates to different types of soical and psychological needs of different readers who read this magazine. Also it brings entertainment and serious for example the entertainment is the mentioning of different clubs and the seriouness is the article on the lives of different artist as well. I would personally be a part of the target audience for a magazine like Mix Mag.

Gratification theory

The social needs of a reader reading mix mag is one to go out to party and be like other people. Also the social needs of a reader is like to be the people that they are reading  for example the article about Plan B, someone who is reading that would want to be like him in terms of social needs. The sense of personal identity is finding out who the reader is by reading the mix mag magazine, also the music that they promote as well for example the pop music and many other the reader would want to listen to these types of music and a sense of belonging to a different social needs. Mix mag brings a sense of belonging to its readers by advertsising festivals so that other people can come and enjoy themselves and have a good time and meet new people who they never met before. Also they put pictures of people who like to party and have a good time, this is psychological need because they want to be with people and do something that is out of the norm. The form of entertainment that mix mag provides to its readers is by putting up different pictures of different clubs with people having a good time for example bubbles when people are clubbing then bubbles and smoke start to come out or they can have glow sticks and start dancing. This entertainment brings a sense of escaspism because they want to do things that are not normal and have fun for example as I said using the bubble machine and haveing glow sticks is it not normal and that is a psychological need because  it is not normal.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Flatplan of Front cover and Double page spread

These are the images of my flatplan of my front cover and double page spread. As you can see that it is for a music magazine with artist in the front cover and asking him or her questions and other things on the double spread page. This is not the real thing but hopefully the real thing will be good. Giving example of the front cover will be the masthead and the different sort of text and images that will be on the front cover in the real thing.

Looking at my double page spread you can see that it has the mast head at the top going across with the phrase at the other side. And the different text boxes respresents the text that will be used and at the bottom a picture of the artist will be place in the real magazine this is just the flat plan. Using some of the text boxes as an example one question would be the history of the artist and how they wanted to become and artist and what persuaded him or her to become an artist.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Music Magazine Typical Reader

This is called Theo and he works as a travel agent but work from home, he lives in north London in a house that is rented by the council and he is 23 years old. He is single and lives by himself, the last three albums he has bought are Professor Green – At Your Inconvenience, Cee Lo Green- The Lady Killer and Wretch 32 Black and White these are the latest three albums he has got because he is a music fantic. Theo is a typical reader of this magazine and he likes  going out to clubs and festivals whatever the kind as you can see from above he has amazing swag and looks fly everytime and everywhere he goes for example if he goes out to the ship he still has swag. Also this typical reader is someone who like fashion and like getting free cd's and he listen to every time of music and his favourite radio channel is Choice FM and he listens to it everyday, moreover looking at this typical reader this is a person who like to party and he parties very hard every weekend he goes out clubbing with his friends to the hottest clubs in London, also he like to drink a lot as well just to have a better time as well. And likes reading about music and the different types of music and the artist who are in this magazine for example: plan B like in one of the magazine that mix mag produces as well. Also the typical reader who be a young couple or teenagers just likeTheo who like going out to party and finding the hottest festivals and the hype of the festivals and like reading about other people's experience at the festivals, also enjoying the night life of clubs.

Evaluation of prelimary task

looking over my magazine i would say that are some good things and some bad things wrong with my prelimary task. first of all what was wrong with my magazine was that I did not use the correct tools to tamper with to get the proper feeling of the work, also what was wrong with my magazine was that I did not do enough research for my contents page which would have helped me to improve my contents page and make it look better. another point is that I did not use various shots for example medium close up or two shot and also I did not use lighting for effect of my images, that was another reason why my magazine was not up to standards.

the good thing that was good about my magazine was the use of colours that I used for my contents page and also the masthead for my front cover. moreover I used different most ict skills such as copying and pasting but you can say that is a bad thing because i did not use any picture tools as well. but overall by looking at my magazine it was good but there is a need of improvements to mkae my magazine better.

Research A Music Magazine

Title: MixMag
Price £4.20
Publisher: Development Hell Ltd
Frequency of publication: Monthly

What mode of address is being used on the front cover? the mode of address on the front cover of the magazine is vibrant for example the colour of the front colour which is yellow and pink.

Music promotion
Classified ads
Number of times occurring
Name of the product being advertised
South West Four
( London Clapham Common)
Fashion ( jeans and shoes)
Mobile phones
Where in the magazine does the advert appear
8th page
84th page
104th page
Front cover
What cost is the product (provide a guesstimate)

What in particular is being promoted about the magazine and the editoral view on music? To go and see different types of clubs and festivals. The view on music is some what popular because for each page there are different types of music for example funky house.

What percentage of image text is there in the magazine ( try a guesstimate) 80 or 90%

Read a feature about a band/artist and make comments on the language used.

  • Use of slang: No slang is used in this feature
  • Is the written text formal or informal? Informal for example it has got swearing
  • The quality of what is being written? There is a lot of quality written for example his life and history in the music industry
  • Is the article humorous or serious? Serious
  • Is the artist being promoted or publicised? Publicised because it is talking about the artists life
  • Does the artist have a new release due? Yes 2010
  • What is the tone of the article? Serious and foul lanugaged
Who do you think will buy this magazine? What other publications are they likely to buy as well? I think that young people and teenagers will buy this magazine. Also to find the lastest clubs and festival, also reading about celebraties. Other publications they're likely to buy is cd's and fashion for example new jeans, shoes and more like hoodies.