Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Flatplan of Front cover and Double page spread

These are the images of my flatplan of my front cover and double page spread. As you can see that it is for a music magazine with artist in the front cover and asking him or her questions and other things on the double spread page. This is not the real thing but hopefully the real thing will be good. Giving example of the front cover will be the masthead and the different sort of text and images that will be on the front cover in the real thing.

Looking at my double page spread you can see that it has the mast head at the top going across with the phrase at the other side. And the different text boxes respresents the text that will be used and at the bottom a picture of the artist will be place in the real magazine this is just the flat plan. Using some of the text boxes as an example one question would be the history of the artist and how they wanted to become and artist and what persuaded him or her to become an artist.

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