This is my front cover for my coursework and the title of the magazine is called grime = dime. the predominant colours are gold, white black and grey. As you can see the colours match the person clothes and also the background as well, the jewllery shows the dime when it come to grime which means that music equals money and this is shown on the front cover.
The colour of the text match the scarf, the colours of the hat and the watch and the bracelet of the person and these colours as been expressed through the writing of the front cover. The diamond at the end symbolises the wealth, and the " money all the time" phrase also shows the success. But all in all I am well pleased with the work I have done and I hope other people will like it as well.
I will have to make a new cover. This is becuase my feedback was that there should not have been a student for front cover because it does not look like an artist but more of a schoolboy photo, also another critism was that I should not put a cd cover but just say it as in text for example the wretch 32 album should not be there. Also the barcode is too big and my feedback was that I should make it smaller and also make my title bigger so that people can see it, moreover I should make a new phrase so that it will sound better. So on the feed back I have recieved I will make a new and imporved front cover
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